iProvèn’s DMT-511 Thermometer is designed with mommies in mind. The team has worked tirelessly over the newest addition to iProvèn’s range that includes all the features of a thermometer moms dream of. And the result is finally here.
One invaluable feature of iProvèn's new thermometer is the mute button. And why is it invaluable? Well, do you get up in the middle of the night and every sound you make seems to be 10 times magnified? Now, imagine measuring your feverish baby's forehead with a thermometer that beeps loud enough to wake up the whole house. Not something a thermometer made of mom's dreams should include. That's why we included a mute button. Your little one will never know you took its temperature in the middle of the night!
iProvèn's DMT-511 can both measure your baby's temperature by a quick swipe across the forehead and by ear. The forehead mode will give you a quick indication while the ear mode will provide you a precise measurement within a second.
iProvèn's DMT-511 also includes an amazing third function. One you'll find to be indispensable as a mom of a teeny-tiny human. The third function—object mode—will measure the temperature of anything. Whether you need to know if baby's bottle is exactly the right temperature or the temperature of baby's bath, iProvèn's DMT-511 will give you an accurate measurement within a second.
On top of this all, DMT-511 will help you to understand the temperature with the build-in fever indication. The fever indication will light up green if the temperature is normal and light up red if the temperature is elevated.
Be prepared for fever to hit with iProvèn's DMT-511 and experience all the benefits of the new thermometer yourself!